Saturday, December 30, 2006

Fuckin' 31

Bunch of people gathering tonight for a counter-New Year's Eve operation, where we party with Champagne one day before the real date. And tomorrow, we're all staying in with veggie soup and foreign movies (by that I mean non-Hollywood cinema).*

Ah yeah. Paris and its cohorts of anti-establishment militants. We're so utterly cool.

The height of rebelliousness in France is feeling free to take it out on the immigrant ghettos when you're a white girl who always had a sheltered life. Which is probably the case of Anaïs. She's funny. So here's miss clown - for French speakers only, awfully sorry.

*Speaking of which, saw Yi Yi a couple of days ago. So sweet. Also saw Love Actually again and cried my eyes out with the images of London and that scene where the groom's best friend comes to the door and declares his love for the best friend's wife. I am a sentimental fool. Saw The Royal Tenenbaums and kept imitating the dialogues long after the movie was over. Saw Walk on Water, enticed by the rave reviews from all the most respectable publications in France. I urge you to avoid it at all cost. That it is about the ambiguous relationship between a hard-ass Israeli spy and the gay grandson of a nazi does not make it any good.

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