Monday, April 2, 2007

Monday morning and a couple of good points

I know a guy who might be sorry he ever sent this to me... No matter. Great reading:
It's all feminism's fault (again), by Zoe Williams.

"Just about the only cancer feminism doesn't give you is prostate cancer, and I wouldn't put it past us feminists to start stealing prostates the way we've already stolen managerial positions and bar stools, would you? (...)

The argument that feminism has undermined masculinity is strange since it suggests that, in order to show strength, men must see weakness manifested all about them; no matter if that weakness is faked or forced or cajoled. (...)

In this ideological portrait, men cannot handle challenge, do not seek excellence and need to be indulged through lying. (...)

Even if gender parity increased your risk of illness by a factor of 100%, what do they think would happen - women would all resign our jobs and resume knitting?"

From another lady, called Laura Barton. On musical crushes vs. musical loves:

"Musical crushes only placate you, they merely tell you what you want to hear, in a voice you've heard before. Bands you love seem to answer a question you didn't even know you were asking."

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